
These events transform values and lists of values using math functions.

Sometimes we want to transform a value before passing it along to other events. We can do this by using a transform function. Transforms come in two types: math functions and conversions.

Math Functions

Transforms for using math functions follow the form:


This will take an inbound numeric value of 1.1 and transform it into 2.0.

A full list of available Transform functions, the input they expect, and the type of output they return:

roundNumberThe number rounded; rounds up if >= 0.5, down if < 0.5.
absNumberThe absolute value of the number.
ceilNumberThe ceiling of the number.
floorNumberThe floor of the number.
logNumberThe log of the number.
sqrtNumberThe square root of the number.
floatStringThe float representation of a string.
stringsListA list containing only the string elements of the list.
numbersListA list containing only the numeric elements of the list.
countListA number representing the length of the list.
firstListThe first element of the list.
lastListThe last element of the list.
meanList of numbersThe average of the list.
sumList of numbersThe sum of the elements of the list.
minList of numbersThe smallest element of the list.
maxList of numbersThe largest element of the list.
medianList of numbersThe median of the list.
stddevList of numbersThe standard deviation of the list.
kurtosisList of numbersThe kurtosis of the list.
skewnessList of numbersThe skewness of the list.


Transforms can also be used to convert between common units, like liters, gallons, miles, inches, yards, pints, etc. For example:

=T('liters', 'gallons')

=T('inches', 'meters')

The convention being 'from', 'to'.

A full list of all available units is beyond the scope of this guide, may be found here.