Use of Extend question?
In the example:
What is the relevance of 1 and 2? Extend begins by looking at the slope of the last two elements. The other elements are not used/referenced by the model. They seem to be here merely for some sort of reference for the user/modeler.
Just want my assumptions confirmed. If this is not the case I am missing something.
Posted by Ethan Post over 2 years ago
How can I ignore values from dates earlier than today
I have a fixed payment arrangement with a customer and I'm trying to model the revenue (and cash flow) from that agreement.
March '22 amount: $10k
April '22 amount: $12k
May '22 amount: $18k
June '22 amount: $15k
July '22 amount: $16k
I have this setup as a list (=[10000,12000,18000,15000,16000,0]) over the interval March-July 2022. But since it is currently May, I only want to transmit the amounts after May 2022 to my checking account pool. Is there a way to Gate values based on a specific date (today)?
Posted by Adam Stoffel over 2 years ago
How to use Gates
Can you only use the Gates function against a Source? I tried it against a Pool and got null results
Posted by Cornell Tsiang over 2 years ago
Churn rate?
Dear support,
How can I factor in the churn rate in my diagram?
Example: remove from the revenue a churn that will decrease from 4 to 3% in next 12 months.
Is it possible?
Posted by Daniele over 2 years ago