GPT, Claude, and more

Product text and answers from your favorite LLM's and beyond.


Summit includes an Ai event that supports a variety of models interchangeably.

Adding a GPT (AI) event.

Adding a GPT (AI) event.

Both the GPT and Claude (Anthropic) events send prompts and return responses in the form of JSON.

Beneath the hood, both the prompt content and other configuration options are composed using an Object.

The JSON object these AI events return will include a raw attribute as well as the result of parsing this raw (markdown) content into blocks: text, code, links, and images. For example, if the response includes a JSON block, you will be able to find that JSON under the code block and refer to it using a path like so:

{{ my_ai_event.content[0].blocks.code[0].source }}

If the code is JSON, the object itself will be indexable, for example:

{{ my_ai_event.content[0].blocks.code[0] }}

Supported models


No API keys or tokens required.

Summit does not require you to sign up for or submit tokens for these services in order to use them from the Summit editor. Instead, usage costs will be automatically added to your credits.

Text Generation

claude-3-5-sonnetAnthropic's answer to GPT and quite good, we might add.
gpt-4oFaster and cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo with stronger vision capabilities.
gpt-4Broad general knowledge and domain expertise.
gpt-4-turbo128K context with an April 2023 knowledge cutoff and basic support for vision.
gpt-3.5-turbo-0125Fast and inexpensive model for simple tasks.

Image Generation

stable-diffusionA very popular, general-purpose image generator, often used for landscapes.
playgroundGenerate fantastical, beautiful images.
flux-realismGenerate photo-realistic images.
flux-schnellFaster, less expensive, and more artistic (less realistic) than flux-realism.


pdfUse's fine-tuned model for handling and parsing large PDF file


A Search generates a response by calling Tavily's Search API and serving up the results as a JSON object.

Up to date information to feed to an LLM call.

Up to date information to feed to an LLM call.

This search is designed for use prior to an Ai call, as the content can be used to augment the understanding of the AI / LLM with current news, information, or otherwise special knowledge.

The response will include a best attempt at "the answer", along with up to 5 sources of information with URL's and content snippets.

You can send keyword arguments (options) to the Search event by passing it an Object.

Connecting an object to a search to set search options.

Connecting an object to a search to set search options.

Note that the include_domains option will restrict searching to those domains only.


Search + Text

Consider placing a Text event immediately after a Search event in order to compose the output of the search into a nice block of text for injecting into a prompt.

News & Maps

When in the Canvas View, you may also search Google News and Google Maps by passing in a second argument to your search event:

=Search("best pizza in Austin, TX", "maps")

This will return a list of up to 20 pizza places in Austin, Texas using Google Maps.

=Search("best new pizza places in Austin, TX", "news")

This will return up to 20 news articles from Google News that mention developments in the pizzeria space in central Texas.

What’s Next

Now that you know how and when to use a Generator, let's learn about Containers -- events that manage the flow of value within your model.