
Something with value that changes over time

An empty checking account:


A 12-month CD of $10k growing at 0.5% APR:

=Pool(10k @ 0.045%) # set recurring pattern to yearly and end date to 12 months from now

A high-yield cash savings account with balance of 59k and a 0.45% APR accruing monthly:

=Pool(59k @ 0.0375%) # set recurring pattern to monthly

An initial investment of $12k growing at approximately 8% yearly:

=Pool(12k @ ~8%) # set recurring pattern to yearly

An investment vehicle with a current value of $120k growing at 5% capped at $200k:

=Bucket(120k @ 5%, 200k)

Additional value (beyond 200k) will flow downstream to any connected events.

An investment of $100k which may return somewhere between $500k-$1.5m:

=100k * ~10??

An investment vehicle growing at roughly 2% per month that empties into a different instrument at $250k:

=Tippingbucket(0 @ ~2%, 250k) # set recurring pattern to monthly

Point this to other events to decide where the 250k will go once it tips.

An investment growing consistently at 1k per month:

=Pool(0 @ 1000) # set recurring pattern to monthly


If these examples are confusing, check out our topical guides on growth rates and containers.